Fighting cancer and homelessness

Running has always been this elusive sport for me.  I’ve always been reasonably competent at any sport I’ve spent time playing.  I can hit the occasional 3 pointer in basketball and I can probably beat most of you in a swimming race.  But this body just isn’t designed for running.  Which is what makes me want to run.

I started running 5k races about two years ago.  I trained with an iPhone app and did ok.  I completed 5 races in about 18 months.  Some of them, I walked some of the way.  Those hills just kill me!!  

When my health problems became apparent, I backed off of the running.  When the surgeries began, I had to quit entirely.  I spent the whole autumn season retired from anything more than a walk around the block here and there.  When the chemo began, even that became impossible, partly due to fatigue and partly due to the cold becoming totally intolerable. So I’ve shifted from running to chemo treatments, lounging and cat snuggling.


I started to get really sick of this crap.  So I set a goal.  I would, come hell or high water, do the 5k of the Pittsburgh Marathon.  
The race commences four weeks after my (hopefully) final IV infusion and  two weeks after my (hopefully) final dose of chemo pills are swallowed.  This means I have to train while I’m getting chemo.
This is both exhilarating and terrifying.  What a badass thing to do!  What if I fail?  What if I have to crawl across the finish line?  
You know what, though?  I choose to reject fear and live out of hope.  The belief that by God’s grace and my determination and the support of those who love me, I WILL DO THIS.
I’m determined.  Look how fiercely determined my eye is.

Here’s the other cool part.  You can help in a big way.  By making a donation to my fundraising page you will 1. Motivate and encourage me.  And 2. Support my cause of choice – Light of Life Rescue Mission where lives of poor and homeless men, women and children are turned around daily.  
Here is the link.  If you can’t click it, just copy and paste into your browser.
I am asking for your support.  It’s a good cause.
Also?  At this moment I am the TOP fundraiser for the entire marathon!!  Let’s see how long I can hold the title!!

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